Escapist architecture, Airbnb and Vrbo cabin rentals, and unique getaways

Six friends and one too-small RV explore Hokkaido, skiing resorts and deserted city streets

How this pro snowboarder forced himself to snowboard every day by building a micro home on wheels

800-sq-ft of contemporary cabin heaven set in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies

A striking fortress of a retreat designed to withstand whatever weather climate change may bring

A contemporary cabin with sweeping views of South Sweden

A minimalist's dream cabin just three hours north of Oslo

A global tour of the world's most creative and inspiring cabins, cottages, and architectural escapes

A sustainable escape designed and built by a UK-based boat builder

20 miles into the Atlantic sits the off-grid, self-sustaining micro cabin of our dreams

A decisively minimal, elevated outpost for nature watching

Outside Quebec City sits a striking modern design with nature on the mind and a hidden streak of creativity

Old friends and new challenges deep in the land of midnight sun