The latest and greatest outdoor gear for lovers of adventure—and good design

How the PNW-based outfitter launched from a failed summit attempt on Denali and grew to hometown hero status over 40 years by putting function first

With thermo-mapping fabrics, fashion-informed silhouettes, and group hikes, the East London label explores accessibility through performance apparel

The Brooklyn-based brand's first footwear collab comes as a limited-edition women's hiking boot that strikes a balance between elegance and durability

Our resident gear expert reflects on why, 21 years after launch, the legendary Black Hole Duffel remains an unbeatable option for hauling outdoor gear

Just four years after launch, the Montreal-based brand has designed what they hope to be the lightest, fastest, most durable trail racing shoe yet

The South Korean camp furniture maker revisits its flagship product, the Chair One, introducing a more sustainable and durable update for car campers

With an athletic midsole, rugged outsole, and the Portland shoemaker's signature durable build, the new boots are made to go everywhere