
Where to Buy Used Outdoor Gear: 10 Shops for Secondhand Apparel & Equipment
Snag Deals on Used Outdoor Gear Online and IRL at These 10 Marketplaces

Looking for affordable tents, sleeping bags, hiking boots, and bikes? These online and in-person retailers have you covered with gently used gear

The Best Outdoor Brands from the U.S. and Canada, According to the Experts
The Best Outdoor Brands for Hikers, Campers, and Climbers

Our gear expert has tested thousands of rain shells, day packs, and base layers over the last few decades. Here are the labels he trusts the most.

The Ultimate Guide to Scandinavian Outdoor Brands You Should Know
38 Scandinavian Outdoor Brands That Should Be on Your Radar

38 influential outdoor brands making outerwear, apparel, camping equipment, and so much more—with characteristically cool, modern design

Vintage Outdoor Gear: How to Thrift, Find & Shop for Retro Gorp
Vintage Outdoor Gear: How to Thrift, Find, and Shop for Retro Treasures

Both thrifting and vintage apparel are huge at the moment, and with the right eye, you'll get some truly great finds for your outdoor adventures

An Ode to Dusty Bottoms, and All the Good Dogs of the World
An Ode to All the Good Dogs

Adventure photographer Andy Cochrane remembers a beloved companion with a touching eulogy sure to strike a cord with all dog lovers

Community, Not Customers: A Q&A with Usal Founder Michael Washington
Community, Not Customers: A Q&A with Usal Founder Michael Washington

How the Los Angeles-based brand unites modern nature enthusiasts through retreats and workshops (and merch) championing inclusivity and accessibility

Best Outdoor Shower Guide: Design Ideas & Shower Kits You Can Trust
Outdoor Shower Guide: Design Inspo, Tips, and Tricks for Buying & Building Your Own

A deep dive into the different types of outdoor showers, which to buy, and inspiration for building your own

How to Build a DIY Sauna in Your Backyard for $5,600
How to Build Your Own DIY Sauna for Less Than 6K: A Step-by-Step Guide

Canadian builder Andrew Szeto shares a full build breakdown, including cost, time, tools required, and pro tips from his whimsical backyard sauna

The 9 Best Parkas for Men, According to Professional Adventurers
The 9 Best Parkas Ready to Tackle Every Kind of Winter Adventure

Adventure photographers Alex Strohl & Chris Burkard, Everest guide Garrett Madison, and more share their picks on the best winter jackets

Redwood Outdoors Review: What It’s Like to Build a Sauna Kit in My Backyard
Redwood Outdoors Sauna Review: What It’s Like to Build a DIY Backyard Sauna

First hand experience of what it’s like to build a Thermowood Mini-Cube 2-Person Sauna in my backyard in coastal Maine.

13 Best Fleece Pants for Keeping Cozy at Home and Around Camp
13 Best Fleece Pants for Camping, Road Tripping, and Chilling At Home

Make this season the coziest ever—whether on the couch, at a cabin, or even backcountry camping—with our top fleece pant picks for men & women

Nocs x Florence Collab Waterproof Binoculars for Wave Watching
Nocs & Florence Collaborate on Waterproof Binoculars for Wave Watching

Limited edition binocs equip surfers and wave watchers with high-quality optics, sealed in a rugged, hi-viz waterproof package