Outdoor apparel

Where to Buy Used Outdoor Gear: 10 Shops for Secondhand Apparel & Equipment
Snag Deals on Used Outdoor Gear Online and IRL at These 10 Marketplaces

Looking for affordable tents, sleeping bags, hiking boots, and bikes? These online and in-person retailers have you covered with gently used gear

Vintage Outdoor Gear: How to Thrift, Find & Shop for Retro Gorp
Vintage Outdoor Gear: How to Thrift, Find, and Shop for Retro Treasures

Both thrifting and vintage apparel are huge at the moment, and with the right eye, you'll get some truly great finds for your outdoor adventures

The 9 Best Parkas for Men, According to Professional Adventurers
The 9 Best Parkas Ready to Tackle Every Kind of Winter Adventure

Adventure photographers Alex Strohl & Chris Burkard, Everest guide Garrett Madison, and more share their picks on the best winter jackets

13 Best Fleece Pants for Keeping Cozy at Home and Around Camp
13 Best Fleece Pants for Camping, Road Tripping, and Chilling At Home

Make this season the coziest ever—whether on the couch, at a cabin, or even backcountry camping—with our top fleece pant picks for men & women

The 11 Best Hiking Pants for Women, According to Women
The 11 Best Hiking Pants for Women, According to Women Outdoorists

A sorta-comprehensive and entirely subjective list of the most stylish adventure-ready pants (and leggings)

NYC's Hikerkind Launches Fashion-Forward Hiking Apparel for Women
NYC-based Women-led Brand Hikerkind Releases Design-Forward Hiking Basics

The women-led brand kicks off with a weekend hiking club and core collection, because you deserve to look and feel your best in nature, too

The AETHER Down Poncho Is a Perfect Campsite Companion
This Stylish & Unisex Down Poncho Is the Perfect Campsite Companion

Take a sleeping bag, but make it wearable, and then fashionable

Belief Teams With Polartec on Vibrant & Cozy Spring Collection
Neon Fleece for the City Streets & Mountain Peaks, by Belief x Polartec

The Queens-based apparel brand leans on Polartec's famed recycled fleece for a unisex, neon collection fit for city streets and mountain peaks

Goldwin Introduces Lightweight Pertex Shield Air Jacket
Japan's Goldwin Introduces a New Jacket for Foragers

The ultra-packable, breathable, water-resistant jacket features an exterior mesh pocket for drying wet gear, foraging, or picking up trailside litter

Functional, Fierce, and Fluid Workwear by Melbourne-based SÜK
Melbourne-based SÜK Workwear Celebrates "All Workers As Worthy"

The Aussie brand celebrates all workers with flattering, durable apparel designed to withstand the rigors of even the toughest job site

Fjällräven's Iconic 1974 Expedition Jacket Gets a Sustainable Update
Fjällräven's 1974 Expedition Down Jacket Is Still Fashionable—and Now Sustainable

Nearly 50 years later the legendary down jacket sees a sustainable update with a recycled outer and traceable down fill