
Where to Buy Used Outdoor Gear: 10 Shops for Secondhand Apparel & Equipment
Snag Deals on Used Outdoor Gear Online and IRL at These 10 Marketplaces

Looking for affordable tents, sleeping bags, hiking boots, and bikes? These online and in-person retailers have you covered with gently used gear

Peru Divide Bikepacking Guide: An Epic Trail of Beauty & Type II Fun
Peru Divide Bikepacking Guide: An Epic Trail of Natural Beauty and Type II Fun

This two-wheeled trip through the Andes will test your climbing capacity, but with adequate preparation, the stunning views will be worth the effort

Dirt, Sweat, and Philosophical Enlightenment While Gravel Biking in Morocco
Life Lessons and Film Photos From Adventure Biking in Morocco

Over the Atlas Mountains and through the Sahara desert, 125 miles in the saddle and an exploration of the Berber approach of finding harmony in nature

Battling Wind, Rain & Ego While Bikepacking Through Iceland's Westfjords
Battling Wind, Rain & Ego While Bikepacking Through Iceland's Westfjords

Four friends pedal 650 miles around a rugged, rain-soaked island to discover epic vistas and the pains of overconfidence in an unforgiving landscape

The Best Design-Minded Gravel Bike Gear for Mixed Terrain Cycling
Take On All Mixed Terrain with This Tested-and-Approved Gravel Bike Gear Guide

Tested on the rugged backroads and singletrack of British Columbia, this kit goes fast, far, and looks good along the way

How Biking From Brooklyn to Boston Helped Me Find Joy Through Pain
How Biking from Brooklyn to Boston Helped Me Find Joy Through Pain

Reflecting on a 290-mile impromptu bikepacking trip where themes discomfort, kindness, and acceptance prevailed (alongside good food)

Rapha x Brain Dead Collab on Creative (and Trippy) Mountain Bike Gear
Rapha x Brain Dead Team up on Creative (and Trippy) Apparel for Riding Bikes (or Not)

The cross-Atlantic collaboration injects some contemporary style into technical trail apparel in a new, limited collection for men and women

Rapha's Pro-Team Gore-Tex Cycling Jersey Is a Winter Riding Must Have
For Cold Winter Cycling, Rapha's New Gore-Tex Cycling Jersey Is A Must

The Pro Team Gore-Tex Infinium bike jersey is a shield of close-fitting armor for foul and frigid weather

Cake's Åik Is a Workhorse E-Bike With 223 Miles of Range
Cake's First E-Bike Has a 200-Plus-Mile Range & Room for Lots of Cargo

The Swedish sustainable transport company applied the same sleek and modular design to its first-ever pedal assist electric bicycle

Gravel Adventure Field Guide: Pocket Tips for Better Bikepacking Trips
Gravel Adventure Field Guides Highlight Lesser-Known Regions to Ride Your Bike

Filled with art and local beta, these pocket-sized analog gravel bike guidebooks want to help you discover the best trails you've never heard about

New Specialized Diverge Gravel Bike Features Weird & Wonderful Tech
This New Gravel Bike Has a Weird & Wonderful Feature for Better Bike Adventures

The biggest brand in bikes gives its flagship gravel steed a first-of-its-kind rear shock for smoother riding farther from the beaten path

Knog’s Scout Bike Alarm & Finder Is Here to Curb Bike Theft
Knog’s Sleek New Apple-Compatible Bike Tracker Is Here to Curb Bike Theft

The Scout Bike Alarm and Finder is a clever new solution to deterring would-be thieves and tracking down your bike should they be successful