Alpine lakes

Backpacking Washington's Most Iconic Landscapes in One Week
Backpacking Two Iconic PNW Landscapes in One Week

35mm film captures a dreamy exploration of the Alpine Lakes Wilderness and Olympic National Park

Fall Backpacking Among Famed Golden Larch Trees in The Enchantments
Backpacking Among the Famed Fall Larch Bloom in The Enchantments, a PNW Icon

35mm film photography captures a striking hike through intense terrain and early season snow deep in Washington's Alpine Lakes Wilderness

Backcountry Camping in Washington's Alpine Lakes Wilderness
Backcountry Camping in Washington's Iconic Alpine Lakes Wilderness

Exploring The Enchantments with friends and fly rod in tow, documented on 35mm film

Solo Hiking Washington's Alpine Lakes Wilderness
Solo Hiking Washington's Iconic Alpine Lakes Wilderness

Just east of Seattle exists a picturesque wonderland of glacial lakes and wild goat herds

Exploring the Eastern Sierra Nevada Range
Alpine Lakes, Desert Valleys, and Deserted Campsites in the Eastern Sierra Nevada

Looking back on 12 months of wandering by car and on foot, captured on 35mm film

Into the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness
Feature: Backpacking Montana's Beartooth Mountains

Lessons learned from four days in Montana with Mystery Ranch

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