
From bikepacking across Oregon to canoe camping in Upstate New York, these were our founding editor's favorite from the year

A hyper-minimal, weatherproof parka made of a rare, ruggedized version of Polartec Neoshell

Bryan Fox, Austen Sweetin, and friends hit the open road with powder on the mind in new short film

Bringing the lexicon and lingo of classic outside pastimes indoors to entertain, educate, and inspire, one letter at a time

14 artists descend on the remote Sierra Nevada landscape to live, work, create, and collaborate among nature

Canoe camping deep in the Adirondack Mountains on an idyllic lake dotted with tiny islands waiting to be explored

An off-grid cube of a cabin designed to be moved further up the beach as ocean levels rise

One French couple's cold winter spent living the vanlife, documented on 35mm film

How one classically trained photojournalist is using dog portraiture to highlight the good in these dark times

An aesthetically superior car camping stove accented with oak laths and brass finishings

Striking, contemporary design perfectly blends form and function on a historic Dutch farm

Hardwearing technical basics designed to go wherever the road takes you