
Where to Buy Used Outdoor Gear: 10 Shops for Secondhand Apparel & Equipment
Snag Deals on Used Outdoor Gear Online and IRL at These 10 Marketplaces

Looking for affordable tents, sleeping bags, hiking boots, and bikes? These online and in-person retailers have you covered with gently used gear

Rapha's Pro-Team Gore-Tex Cycling Jersey Is a Winter Riding Must Have
For Cold Winter Cycling, Rapha's New Gore-Tex Cycling Jersey Is A Must

The Pro Team Gore-Tex Infinium bike jersey is a shield of close-fitting armor for foul and frigid weather

Cake's Åik Is a Workhorse E-Bike With 223 Miles of Range
Cake's First E-Bike Has a 200-Plus-Mile Range & Room for Lots of Cargo

The Swedish sustainable transport company applied the same sleek and modular design to its first-ever pedal assist electric bicycle

New Specialized Diverge Gravel Bike Features Weird & Wonderful Tech
This New Gravel Bike Has a Weird & Wonderful Feature for Better Bike Adventures

The biggest brand in bikes gives its flagship gravel steed a first-of-its-kind rear shock for smoother riding farther from the beaten path

REI Generation e E-Bikes Make Around Town Travel Easy (and Affordable)
REI’s Affordable New E-Bikes Make Around Town Travel Easy and Fun

Built primarily for use around town, the new commuter friendly e-bikes come in two frames and cruise at speeds up to 20 mph

Specialized & World Champ Cyclist Peter Sagan Release 1970s-inspired Collection
World Champ Cyclist Peter Sagan & Specialized Team Up for 70s-inspired Collection

The limited-edition S-Works lineup includes framesets, apparel, and kit, styled for the renowned Slovakian cyclist's superior talent and swagger

Specialized's Turbo Creo Electric Lineup Makes Adventure More Accessible
Go Further, Faster, and With Less Effort With Specialized's Turbo Creo E-bikes

With power to assist up to 120 miles, the innovative Turbo Creo SL & Turbo Creo SL EVO e-road bikes help you go farther, faster, and have more fun in the process

On a Mountaintop in Quebec, MTB Trails Connect a Cabin Community
On a Quebec Mountaintop, 37 Miles of MTB Trails Connect a Community of Cabins

At this Canadian park, book yourself a stay in an off-grid cabin with world-class trails to explore outside your front door

This Solar Powered Dirt Bike Is Designed to Fight Poaching in Africa
This Solar Powered Dirt Bike Is Designed to Fight Poaching in Africa

Swedish electric motorbike maker CAKE has partnered with Southern African Wildlife College and Goal Zero to help anti-poaching units protect Africa’s endangered wildlife

Cannondale Introduces Ultimate Urban Cruiser Bike, Treadwell
Cannondale Introduces Treadwell, a Tech-Driven EDC City Bike

The performance specialist sidesteps traditions with a casual, go-anywhere bike for daily adventures in the city and out

tokyobike and Fulcrum Coffee Create the Perfect Commuter Bike
The Perfect City Bike Created by Tokyobike & Fulcrum Coffee

A rising star in the Seattle coffee scene collaborates with the celebrated minimalist urban bike brand on a classic commuter

A Lightweight Guide to Bikepacking the UK's Route Beer Ramble
A Lightweight Guide to Impromptu Bikepacking Across the UK

20 strangers take on 200km across the English countryside, by bike and in pursuit of beer