North Cape Norway Quick Stats Total distance: 350 nautical miles Average time: 1 week Direction: Alta to North Cape, and back south to Senja Season: Between May and August
The midnight sun paints the sky in pink and orange as I stand on deck, salty spray kissing my face. It’s July. I'm in northern Norway, where the sun never sets and the wilderness reigns. Nervous anticipation mingles with excitement, since I am about to set sail to the North Cape with Sammy and Robin, a Belgian couple who lead all kinds of adventures with their sailboat Mencia—and whom I’ve only ever spoken to via Instagram.
Early in the morning, we leave from Alta, a city in north Norway. It seems like we’re the only sailboat out on the water and the further north we go, the fewer people and houses we see. At the anchorages where we sleep, a reindeer or an abandoned cabin is often our only company.
The thought of spending a week with strangers on a small boat was initially daunting, but as the days unfold, it turns out to be an amazing experience. It's incredible how quickly you can feel comfortable around people you just met.