The gravel road narrowed, winding deeper into the Norwegian highlands as the van kicked up a steady trail of dust behind us. Nearly four hours from Oslo, we were following the detailed driving directions but had already managed to get lost at least twice. Finally, we pulled into an unmarked clearing, where a small wooden sign read “Canvas Hotel.” No reception desk, no grand entrance—just an intersection where we left our bags to be shuttled in by boat. From there, it was a two kilometer walk to camp. Welcome to Canvas Telemark, an off-grid wilderness hotel run by Norwegian outdoor brand Norrona.
The trail twisted through sparse pine forest, over muddy planks and slick rock, across a suspension bridge that swayed with each step. As we reached a high point, the land opened. We caught sight of a glassy lake down in the marshy lowlands, with a handful of yurts along its edge, connected by a web of boardwalks. A hint of woodsmoke drifted across the water. Everything was quiet except for the crunch of dirt under our feet and the bird songs.