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Outdoor and photo gear are the materialistic pillars holding up Field Mag’s roof. The trouble is, there’s not really all that much photo gear (aside from the cameras themselves) that really catches our attention. Seattle-based photography retailer Moment’s in-house brand Long Weekend continues to impress as one of the few fun and well-designed photo bag and accessory makers in the game.
With their third product line expansion since an initial 2021 release, the Seattle-based brand is turning heads with the new $50 Long Weekend 35mm Camera, a plastic-bodied "reloadable disposable" designed to capture moments with the magic that only a film camera seems to possess.

Alongside the clever lightweight camera, Long Weekend has also introduced its first camera backpack (the only product above $100 in the line!) along with a camera cube and several smaller accessories for lenses and necessities for the roaming photographer.
The Morro Convertible Backpack ($150) stands out as the hero piece in the brand’s latest release of bags and accessories. Though highly understated, the affordable pack features ample exterior pockets with two zippered accesses to a lower compartment perfectly sized for just about any mirrorless, DSLR, or medium format camera. For added padding, the Morro Camera Cube ($70) fills that compartment and integrates seamlessly with the help of securing velcro patches–pretty slick!

We’re super intrigued by the new Long Weekend 35mm Film Camera , a plastic-bodied reloadable shooter that seems to receive much of its shape and form from our favorite point-and-shoot cameras, as well as more average disposables. We’ll be sure to expand our thoughts on it whenever we can get our hands on a test camera.
Not only do we dig the overall vibe of what Long Weekend does, we appreciate that they’re putting out good-looking gear at very reasonable prices. While you could spend two to three times the amount of cash on pro-grade bags, is that really what you need? Nah, didn’t think so! Dig into the whole Long Weekend line at Moment and treat yourself (or your favorite photographer) this holiday season.
Published 11-09-2023